Matt had the idea for The Bear & The Rat at 8 years old. Every week, his family would go to the scoop shop. This included Babette, their miniature poodle. Because Babette was most certainly part of the family, she'd get a baby scoop of vanilla. And it was hilarious to see her lick the ice cream. She loved it! But every week, she would not tolerate it and Matt's dad would be cleaning up the mess at home.
Several years later, Matt wondered why there wasn't a dog ice cream that actually benefited a dog's health and that's when the idea was born. Over the years, he asked friends what they thought of the idea. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard," they'd laugh.
Matt met Meg when they were in the eighth grade but then she moved away. Many years later, they reconnected on social media. Matt and his Rat Terrier Laika, lived in Florida. Meg and her Lhasa Apso who growled-like-a-Bear Quimby, were in Colorado. After several months, Matt and The Rat moved to Colorado to live with Meg and The Bear. On their honeymoon, Matt told Meg about his idea to make a premium dog frozen treat that would have great ingredients. The duo decided to pursue the idea and immediately decided to call the company after their dog's nicknames, The Bear and The Rat.
In 2012, they appeared on ABC's Shark Tank. Their line of products now includes cake for dogs as well as food toppers for dogs. They are currently developing a line of food.